Research Support

Research Support at Lira University Library

Research Support services are provided by Lira University Library information experts both physically and virtually.The library houses the research commons where much of the support is provided Our research support services include:

1.E resources access and training including remote/off campus access

2.Information resources tracing and reference service

3.Literature review support

4.Systematic review collaboration

5.Reference management using various tools

6.Presentation preparation, document formatting and guidance

7.Authentic journal identification for publishing

8.Using collaborative tools for research and scholarly writing

9.Cloud computing services for researchers including Google drive, drop box, one drive etc. 10.Creating and populating researcher profiles on Google scholar, Research gate, Academia, ORCID, etc.

11.Bibliometrics and citation analysis

12.Data analysis software installation and guidance

13.Plagiarism awareness and anti-plagiarism guidance including Turn it in use.

14.Blogging,slide share, linked and Wikis use.

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